The Role of Criminal Defense Attorneys Tallahassee

It might seem awkward for a criminal defense attorney in Tallahassee to offer much help during natural disasters. However, if you’re also dealing with crime, such as looting, burglary, or etcetera in addition to the disaster, then a criminal defense attorney Tallahassee may be just what you need. Criminal defense attorneys know that people living in the Panhandle often face a long recovery and rebuilding process in the aftermath of a disaster. So, they often take on disaster-related cases as pro bono assignments. Looting is one common, but the unfortunate result during disaster aftermath.
When items needed for survival are in short demand, it’s not unusual for community looters to take what they need. However, other times, a reported looter might be a case of mistaken identity. Looting is stealing and regardless of when it happens, it’s still a crime. Yet, in some situations, taking only what you need for survival following a natural disaster or a case of mistaken identity, you might have a defense. Laws vary on this from state to state, though. So, always seek the legal advice of a professional.

The National Disaster Legal Aid is a great resource for anyone dealing with disaster. The website offers valuable information and pro bono assistance opportunities. Its goal is to use government contracts for disaster relief and hazard mitigation to help you through a disaster. However, it's also important for home and business owners to exercise caution when dealing with such looters. In many cases, looters are seeking the items they need to survive with no intent to harm. However, that’s not always the case. Although placing yourself between your property and potential looters might seem like a good idea, it can be dangerous and result in harm, including loss of life.

If you’re dealing with looters after a disaster, it’s better to go through the proper legal channels. Contact a criminal defense attorney Tallahassee for a consultation.


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